TEFL jobs in China

Overview of the TEFL job

Your monthly salary will be from 5,450 to 12,150 Yuan Renminbi (currently £525 - £1125), plus a bonus when you complete your contract (the amount of the bonus will vary from school to school). Your flight may also be reimbursed, but this varies from school to school: sometimes the roundtrip is reimbursed and other times a contribution towards the airfare is offered. Some schools may even provide health insurance.
Placement length
12 months
Where do I live?
Your accommodation is provided by the school, if this isn't possible then you will be given a contribution to pay for a flat.
Time off
On the whole you'll receive 2 weeks holiday time in addition to national holidays.
Number of teaching hours
18 - 30 teaching hours per week
Where is the teaching?
Generally, the teaching positions are in the western coastal area, including Shanghai and some in Beijing.
What age groups will I teach?
You should be prepared to teach English to adults and young learners.

Qualifications & experience

  • 80-hour online TEFL course
  • Native English speaker
  • Degree holders only
  • No previous teaching experience necessary
  • Commited and enthusiastic teachers only

How do I apply?

When you are taking your course, you can begin your application by contacting us. Interviews with our recruitment partner are conducted by telephone.

Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 08:18 PM
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