Our Online TEFL Courses

Here at OnlineTEFLCourses.com, we know what it's like to take your first step into a classroom and what you need to get started in TEFL.

We have designed a course that will give you the skills, confidence and certificate to get your first teaching job. The course is the first of its kind to provide a truly online and interactive experience. Learning is not just about doing a course, it is also about sharing your learning experiences with your peers.

Instead of being a solitary learning experience, onlineTEFLcourses.com gives you the choice to meet others online using blogs, forums and chat, ,aking the course more like a virtual college.

OnlineTEFLcourses.com is based in Scotland and offers a global experience to anyone wanting to become a TEFL teacher. Our forums are full of people from all over the world seeking to change direction in their lives and turn their hand to teaching English as a Foreign Language.

Why study online?

- Work at your own pace

- Study when it fits in with your schedule

- Work from any online PC anywhere in the world!

- Six months to complete your course

- A personal tutor to guide you all the way through

- Chat to fellow students on our online TEFL forums

Our Online TEFL courses

Training with OnlineTEFLCourses.Com means you will get the skills, knowledge and confidence to step into the classroom. Our online TEFL courses include in-depth study of TEFL methodology, a highly recommended course in English grammar and video classroom observations to let you see exactly what a TEFL classroom is like.

We also run an SQA ESOL course for those interested in teaching English as a second language in the UK.

For those who already have a TEFL qualification, we have specialist courses including mini-modules in Teaching Business English, Teaching Young Learners and Teaching One to One (included in our 50-hour online TEFL course) and a course on Teaching English Online.

Find out more: Course Options

Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 08:18 PM
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