Has anyone does this?
Unit 4 Assignment
How would you organise the following activities? Include what visual aids, seating arrangements, and instructions you would use and the reasons why. Maximum 100 words for each question
1. A lead-in to a presentation for the present perfect to talk about a past experience, but we don’t refer to when that past experience occurred. For example, I have visited Italy, I have been to Disneyland, I have seen the Eiffel Tower etc. (5 marks)
2. A controlled practice to practise the 2nd conditional could be matching two halves of a sentence. For example put the class into pairs much like seating plan (c) and the students would work with the person sitting next to them. I would them give the students the sentences that I had prepared and cut into 2 halves. Example sentences are: •If I won the lottery / I would buy a Ferrari •If I went to Madrid / I would eat Chorizo •If he had a car / we would go to Lisbon I would use the black board to demonstrate what they need to do. I would then ask the students if they understand the task by asking them to tell me what we are doing now. Now for the same target language (second conditional), please decide on a production (freer) activity. (10 marks)