Picture of Thomas Kerr
Fun Warmers
by Thomas Kerr - Thursday, 25 April 2013, 03:59 PM

Fun Warmers

•    Introduce the topic of valuable things, and discuss antiques and collectables, pointing out that some normal everyday things from the 60s or 70s are now highly collectable, due to rarity, great design, etc etc.
•    Ask students to think about things they have with them at the moment (keys, pen, mobile phone, glasses, etc). They each choose one thing and spend a few minutes thinking about how they could persuade someone to buy it - For example: “This pen is hand-crafted from the finest quality plastic. The classic design is the result of decades of research into the workings of the finger, wrist and arm muscles, etc etc. (You’ll need to help and prompt them a bit here)
•    They mingle, trying to sell each other their products.

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