Advice please :)
by Rebecca Phillips - Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 08:27 PM

Hi All

I have just enrolled and am due to attend the 3 day weekday course in August and am just wondering if I have to begin the online course before I attend the 3 day course, or wait until after that to start.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Picture of Susan McMahon
Re: Advice please :)
by Susan McMahon - Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 08:32 PM
Hi Becky I've just started too and asked the same question but nobody has replied as yet. As far as I can tell you dont need to do any of the online work before attending the 3 day weekday course but you can if you want to. I have but not sure if this was a good idea because I am struggling with it already!

Susan :)
Re: Advice please :)
by Rebecca Phillips - Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 10:01 AM

Thanks for such a quick reply Susan

I have heard that the course is quite challenging but rewarding when it's finished so don't worry too much :) I think I may have a look at it and if I'm unable to understand I may then wait until after the 3 day course. I'm attending the Birmingham class on 15th August.


Picture of Amanda Neimer
Re: Advice please :)
by Amanda Neimer - Monday, 27 June 2011, 08:08 PM


I too am on the August course. I don't think you have to have started, however I have, there seems so much to do so I think the sooner you get started....

Anyway the on line course is quite tough (at least I think so) so I need to get to grips with it, it's been a long time since I've done any studying like this.

Are you on the Hyde Park course? If so see you there.


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