unit 5 question 3
by Graeme Jones - Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 01:43 PM

hi guys, once again i am stuck and getting incredibly frustrated, unit 5 question 3, is on vocabulary and asks which of the following is true? click one answer

when you have taught a new word you should always ask students if they have understood.

as a teacher, you should explain the meaning of a word where possible.

giving an example to show meaning rather than giving an explanation is always more effective.

it is important to show how a new word works in a sentance.

in the question it only asks for 1 answer, but underneath the answers it says you can pick one or more, which one is it? very confusing.

i only have one go left aswell, so I need to get it correct.

also, does anyone know what happens if you run out of goes for one of the questions?

thanks again, much apprectiated


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