Picture of Thomas Kerr
Conditional Dominoes
by Thomas Kerr - Friday, 22 July 2011, 11:28 AM

Here is a card game you can print, laminate and play with sts to practice conditionals in a controlled way.

It's dominoes. In pairs they have to match two clauses that make a sentence. The game is played like dominoes but with clauses.


If I had two weeks holiday

I would go to Edinburgh

If the weather is good at the weekend

I will go to the beach

If I hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning

I would be hungry

If I get my bonus at work

I will take you to an Indian restaurant

If I hadn’t worked so hard yesterday

I wouldn’t have finished the report

If I don’t pass this exam

I will be very disappointed

If I could go to any country

I would go to Australia

If I were in a good mood

I would buy you a drink

His life would be easier

I he had a car

If she had known about his strange habits

She wouldn’t have married him

What would you do

If you were in my position

I don’t know what I’d have done

If you hadn’t been there

I will let you use my car

If you promise to bring it back before 4 o’clock

If I hadn’t had such a big lunch

I wouldn’t be so sleepy now

If I worked all day

I would finish the new project

If I hadn’t gone to that party

I wouldn’t have met my wife

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