TTT stands for Teacher Talking Time, and that's something you can't have too little of. What you really need is STT. After all, you already speak English most effectively so it's not you that needs to practise. Make sure you limit the time you spend talking and maximise the time your student(s) spend talking. Talking is the one thing they can't do outside class. They can listen on their own, they can read and even write on their own. But they run a serious risk if they talk on their own. What percentage of TTT should there be in a lesson? That's something you have to judge, depending on level, group or one to one sts, needs etc. But, in general, you should do everything to maximise STT and minimise TTT. Sometimes silence is the best approach. Have you ever seen a TV interview where the interviewer asks a question, lets the interviewee answer, and then says nothing? What happens? There's a pause, maybe even a pregnant pause - and then the interviewee just keeps on But in a learning situation, silence can have another truly beneficial effect. Your students are running while you're walking. They need |