Levels |
Organization and Content |
Structure and Vocabulary |
Spelling and Mechanics |
Beginner 0-5 |
No writing. No comprehensible information. |
May write disconnected memorized words or phrases. |
Is not familiar with the correct spelling or punctuation rules of English. |
Elementary 6-10 |
Little comprehensible information. May not address the questions. Limited word choice, repetitious. |
Uses basic vocabulary to write mostly fragmented sentences and very basic phrases. Writes with very serious and frequent grammatical errors. |
There is a lack of mechanics. Spelling and punctuation may be used appropriately in memorized phrases. In most cases, spelling is obscure and distracts from meaning. |
Pre-Intermediate 11-15 |
Addresses part of the task but provides little substance. Often includes irrelevant information. Thought pattern can be difficult to follow. Ideas are not connected or logical. |
Uses very limited vocabulary and errors of function, choice, and usage which obscure the meaning. Sentence structure is basic and repetitive. Serious and frequent grammatical errors. |
Has frequent punctuation and capitalisation errors. Uses invented spelling that may distract from the meaning. Spelling and punctuation may be used appropriately in memorized phrases. |
Intermediate 1 16-20 |
Addresses at least part of the task with some substance. May have trouble with sequencing and indicating paragraphs. Provides limited details and may include irrelevant information. |
Uses limited vocabulary and errors occur that can obscure meaning. Is restricted to basic grammar and structural patterns and has frequent errors. May use adverbials and conjunctions. |
Has some punctuation and capitalization errors but which don’t distract from the meaning. Spelling is becoming more consistent but there are still frequent errors. |
Intermediate 2 20-25 |
Addresses the task at some length. Uses details to support and illustrate ideas. Some ideas may be well developed while others remain weak. Indicates paragraphs and has overall good organization. Shows some creativity. |
Begins to vary vocabulary choice and errors rarely obscure meaning. Has good control of basic structures and attempts compound sentences with some errors. Effectively use adverbials and conjunctions. Tries to use more complex sentence structures (e.g. With, when, after, before, while, because). Errors occasionally distract from meaning. |
Uses periods and capitals with few errors. May use commas with compound sentences. Uses mostly conventional spelling. Although errors continue to be made, they rarely distract from the meaning. |
Levels |
Pronunciation and Fluency |
Structure and Vocabulary |
Comprehension and Interaction |
Upper Int 1 26-30 |
Effectively addresses the task. Provides extensive amount of information. Can write a paragraph with a main idea and supporting details. Personal style is emerging. |
Varies vocabulary choice and usage, although may have a few errors. Attempts a variety of structural patterns. Uses correct verb tenses and uses complex structures. Errors are limited to more complex structures (e.g. Passive, conditional, present perfect.) |
Uses periods, commas, and capitals consistently. Uses mostly conventional spelling. Errors are less common and almost never distract from the meaning. |
Upper Int 2 31-35 |
Effectively addresses the task. Provides extensive amount of information. Can write a paragraph with a main idea and supporting details. Attempts more than one paragraph and shows good organization of a rudimentary essay structure. Personal style is emerging. |
Varies vocabulary choice and usage, and produces fewer errors. Attempts a variety of structural patterns. Uses correct verb tenses and uses complex structures. Makes few errors in more complex structures (e.g. Passive, conditional, present perfect.) |
Uses periods, commas, and capitals consistently. Uses mostly conventional spelling. Errors are rare and almost never distract from the meaning. |
Advance 1 36-40 |
Effectively addresses the task and provides substantive amount of information. Produces multiple paragraphs with clear organization that includes an introduction, development of ideas, and conclusion. Ideas are connected sequentially and logically. Strongly reflects the writer’s intellectual involvement and personal style is evident. |
Uses varied and effective vocabulary. Writes with syntactic variety and well-formed sentences. Few or no grammatical errors. Uses verb tense markers, comparative and superlative, compare and contrast, etc. effectively. |
Appropriate mechanical and spelling conventions. Errors are often self-corrected. |
Advance 2 41-45 |
Effectively addresses the task and provides substantive amount of information. Produces multiple paragraphs with clear organization that includes an introduction, development of ideas, and conclusion. Ideas are connected sequentially and logically. Writing is authoritative, persuasive, and interesting. Personal style is evident. |
Uses varied and effective vocabulary on a wide variety of topics. Uses technical or specialized vocabulary appropriately as well as collocations and idioms in regards to the topic. Writes with syntactic variety and well-formed sentences. Few or no grammatical errors. |
Appropriate mechanical and spelling conventions. Errors are extremely rare. |
Proficiency 46-50 |
Effectively addresses the task and provides substantive amount of information. Produces multiple paragraphs with clear organization that includes an introduction, development of ideas, and conclusion. Ideas are connected sequentially and logically. Writing is authoritative, persuasive, and interesting. Easily demonstrates personal style and voice. |
Uses varied and effective vocabulary on a wide variety of topics. Uses collocations and idioms in regards to the topic, including standard language of the genre, technical or specialized vocabulary as appropriate. Writes with syntactic variety and well-formed sentences. No grammatical errors. |
Appropriate mechanical and spelling conventions. |