I am really stuck on Unit 7, page 8. I have made numerous attempts but can't seem to get it right.
I have to state whether each example is a guiden role play, dialogues, drilling, open pairs or individual.
Students read a passage in pairs, filling in the gaps with a word of their choice.
Practise the pronunciation of I'd like... rather than I would like... as a class together, then test on a few individuals to see if they are saying it correctly
Stand in a circle. One student throws a soft toy to another student and asks a question (What would you do if you won the lottery?) to the student who catches, who then answers (I would buy a yacht) and throws to someone else and asks a question (What would you do if you won the lottery?) and so on
Give the students lots of shop item words and phrases and one is the shop assistant and the other is the customer. They need to use the phrases you have given them
Brainstorming ideas of what you could do if you won the lottery as a pre-cursor to an activity
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me!