stuck! unit 10, page 2, question 2
by bridget morran - Monday, 23 November 2009, 05:04 PM

can anyone help with unit 10, question 2? I already did 2 attempts and can't get this one right

that's the question:

Whenever you meet your students for the first time, it is crucial you understand what their needs are. As we saw earlier, this is true for General English or ESP. However, we cannot simply ask what their needs and wants are, we need to be a little more scientific about it. Remember, this is a needs analysis and not a level check. We covered a level check earlier in the course this is something you will have to do if the student is new to the school rather than you being new to the school!

below are the possible answers: now 5 is obviuosly wrong, 2 probably too; but what is wrong with the remaining answers? Also the question asks which of these points is important to know, which seems it is a single response. Am I supposed not to consider everything that has been covered in a level analysis? The pdf file mentions past, present and future,  and problems they've had. However, when I attempted this combination, it was also wrong. anyone any ideas? Thanks!

Do they have any friends or family that speak English???not sure, could be relevant - people he can practise with.


Hobbies and interests -not really, though might help to make it interesting


What level they want to achieve.X i think this one is definitely right


How long the student has studied English.X is this level check?


What the students favourite dish is. =nirrelevant


When the student uses English X would assume that's important too.


What areas the student has problems with.X guess that's important

X means i think they are right.

Re: stuck! unit 10, page 2, question 2
by Morag Ferguson - Tuesday, 15 March 2011, 05:07 PM

Ho hum... computer says no! I gave up after 'a few' tries and asked my tutor!... Hobbies and interests is correct, tho friends and family isn't.....

Hope that relieves a bit of frustration!


(PS I just finished - and passed! :) )

Picture of Joseph Humble
Re: stuck! unit 10, page 2, question 2
by Joseph Humble - Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 09:03 PM

I can't help it, I think this question is a bit daft! Where exactly is this scientific methodology it is hinting at? I finally got the answers correct but I still don't understand the logic. If someone can explain it then please go ahead!

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