Picture of Kyle Scott
Unit 2, page 7 Past participles. Why can i not do it? help :(
by Kyle Scott - Friday, 10 February 2012, 04:07 PM
I have tried a number of times and cannot get it right! there is too much possible answers and can only get about 40% correct. very stressful and annoying, feeling rather disheartened :(
Picture of Paul McCarthy
Re: Unit 2, page 7 Past participles. Why can i not do it? help :(
by Paul McCarthy - Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 09:29 AM

I found the trick is to break it down into the stages set  and within that paragraph you are looking for 

the words have/had  or has (or the negative version of those word haven't hasn't) which is then followed by a verb in the past tense


“Michael,” I cried out. “I haven’t seen you for ages. Come on, sit down

you can see the word haven't the verb following it is in the past tense "seen" so the answer is seen

another example

“No, no.” Michael started to tuck into his pie, chips and beans. “I’ve been too busy studying.

slightly tricky this one as the I have has been changed to I've its then followed by a verb in the past tense been so the answer is been

hope this helps im not a teacher I just used this methodology to crack that exercise  

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